US President Trumpe decided to take advantage of a law that was enacted decades ago to use little law to study new barriers to steel imports, thereby increasing the “US priority” trade policy.

Last week, Trump visited the tool manufacturer. Last week, Trump visited the tool manufacturer.

US President Trump has launched a law that has been enacted decades ago and rarely used to study new barriers to foreign steel imports, thereby increasing the “US priority” trade policy.

Trump held a signing ceremony Thursday afternoon, according to the United States in 1962 promulgated the so-called “Trade Expansion Act” (Trade Expansion Act) to start a special investigation. The Act allows for the imposition of emergency trade sanctions on the basis of national security.

The White House did not elaborate on the nature of the survey, but insiders said the investigation would focus on steel imports, and representatives of the steel industry would attend the signing ceremony. Another person familiar with the matter may also include other products that are considered important for national defense.

Trumpe raised the possibility of foreign tariffs on foreign steel, the US steel stocks rose. Beijing time at 2:30, Hezhong Iron and Steel (NYSE: X) shares rose 8.85 percent, to $ 30.94.

US Secretary of Commerce Ross on Thursday is more clearly pointed out that the US defense spending requires the production of more steel, the United States needs special steel to rebuild its military industry, the United States can not produce all the special steel, and Japan, Japan and other countries Trade protectionism over the United States, will take measures against US steel dumping behavior.