Shanghai and Shenzhen stock today opened a high go high, the stock index intraday gains once more than 1% and recovered 3300 points, then the brokerage and many hot subject shares tide of speculation, the index dropped again. By the end of the closing of the city, the Shanghai composite index was reported to close at 3310.31, or 0.69%; the newspaper Shenzhengchengzhi 11513.88 points, or 0.40%; gem index reported 2412.08 points, decline to 0.19%.
Coal, iron and steel stocks today early collective outbreak,. As of press time, mountain coal international, Xishan Coal and electricity, Datong coal industry, Shaanxi coal and other stocks daily limit, Lu’an, Kailuan shares, Jingyuan Coal and other multi shares rose above 7%.
Analysts believe that in the three major indexes appeared Powei down after, short-term market technology has failure, investor sentiment and regulatory policies, and the national team protects the plate strength become the three major factors affecting the overall trend. Investor sentiment, into the intense game yesterday, the panic was released, but the cautious mood is still strong. Regulators, policy and on standardizing and restricting reduction policy will recently introduced, is expected to market outlook, policy “blowing frequency warm. And to support the market, more is the underpinning role to play in the fall. Integrated view, the overall market difficult to have outstanding performance, but a local repair probability is big, the annual report of blue chip stocks and with the Spring Festival consumption related to plate or performance.