OTAI supply the grade 4140 widely. Recently we sold a lot of grade 4140 steel plates which is for fulfilling the mould parts. This mould is used on the facemask-producing machine widely.

grade 4140

During the end of Jan to the early of March, China was going through the dark and difficult time because of the virus. There was a lot of fear here. Most of people in Hubei have become infected, and they were isolated from their families and their loved ones. And they have to be alone in the wards.They do not even have a chance to say goodbye when they passed away. Someone chased and run after the ambulance when their loved ones died and was delivered to the cremation. This virus is indeed terrible. It affected the people in different age, no matter elder or younger, healthy and ill.

It seems that we pressed the stop button in our life. All the streets were empty, everybody stayed at home . The virus was rampaging. The numbers were increasing in every day. The rumors were spreading, and the fear is growing. The whole country lost its original vitality and prosperity. But people life are the most important, people are at the heart of our world. So at this time, life means everything. Staying yourself at home and staying safely is the greatest contribution we could do for our own country.

Usually, in the difficult time, someone became the hero, and someone was with the shameful behavior. Some leaders did nothing at that moment, but some normal ones with the very sincere spirit on their devotion. Someone sold the mask in a very high price at this special difficult time. Someone gave the facemask for free. People always say that life is a mirror. Here I would like to say the virus is also a mirror.

At this special moment, we should work as a strong team to overcome the virus and help each other. A friend in need is a friend indeed. These days, OTAI is a supplier who supplies the grade 4140 widely. We for supporting to the customers located in the serious area and country, we do our best to send some facemask to them. Sincerely hope them, their loved-ones, friends and colleagues remain safe and healthy. Lets’s go through the difficult time together, expect our more working together no matter on the grade 4140 but other more steel grades.

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Email: jack@otaisteel.com