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Category Archives: Press Releases

New logo and new start in 2019

Since the Jan 1st, the new logo has been officially applied as below.

OTAI NEW LOGO 20190304 - 2The below previous logo would not be used any more.

It’s because of the trademark register we will need to apply for the new logo.

It will see the brighter future of Otai with the new logo.

It will be a new start for Otai in 2019.

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Steel workers aren’t yet benefitting from Trump’s steel tariffs. And they’re getting upset.

One of the centerpieces of President Trump’s trade war is his 25 percent steel tariffs imports. The point is to make those foreign imports more expensive. thus more comparative in cost to American-made steel, driving more domestic demand back to U.S. producers. On that score, the tariffs are working: The domestic price of steel rose 30 percent in just the last six months. U.S. Steel. one of the country’s biggest producers is forecasting a 60-percent increase in pre-tax profits.

“The steel industry is one of the great things to be talking about,” Trump said last week. “The manufacturing jobs are back.”

Most steelworkers aren’t seeing much benefit from that surge in sales

U.S. Steel and ArcelorMittal are the country’s two largest steel producers. They have roughly 30,000 members of the United Steelworkers union between them and crank out about 40 percent of American production. The contracts covering both companies ran out at the start of September, and the union has been trying to hash out a new arrangement with them ever since.

U.S. Steel is offering a new six-year contract, with a 4 percent raise the first year, 3 percent the next two, and 1 percent for the remaining three. It would also introduce some profit-sharing, with further bonuses tied to the company’s future margins. And it’s throwing in a one-time $5,000 payment to help workers with their health-care costs. As for ArcelorMittal, the company is suggesting a three-year contract, with a pay increase of 2 percent the first year, and 1.5 percent thereafter.

But in the context of the bonanza the steel industry is going to enjoy under Trump’s tariff policies, union members consider those offers insultingly low. “Top company officials have given themselves more than $50 million in pay and bonuses since 2015 while the hourly workforce has not received a wage increase over the same period,” the union said in a statement. Don Ferko, the president of United Steelworkers Local 1557 in Clairton, Pennsylvania, told the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette that “[b]etween the tariffs and the tax break for corporations, they stand to make $2 billion this year.”

tariffs have delivered on the president’s promise to help out the steel industry

But every company is its own entity, with rival factions vying for power and for a cut of revenues. Helping out the steel industry does not necessarily translate into helping out steelworkers. Across industries, owners tend to have all the power these days, and workers little-to-none — a fact that’s roiling American capitalism.

Even as Trump has ramped up nationalist protectionism, he’s moved to exacerbate this workers-versus-owners power imbalance. With Republican help, he has scrapped regulations to boost overtime pay, made it harder to police workplace safety violations and more. His appointment of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court helped usher in the recent Janus decision, which could decimate public-sector unions. And the arrival of Brett Kavanaugh, Trump’s latest pick, would further tilt the Court’s ideological balance against workers.

For now, negotiations between U.S. Steel, ArcelorMittal, and the steelworkers union will continue. U.S. Steel was sanguine in its statement to the Wall Street Journal, saying: “[t]alks are ongoing, and we continue to work diligently to reach a mutually agreeable conclusion.” One thing everyone seems to agree on is that they’d like to avoid a strike if they can.

And Trump had better hope they do. Because if a strike comes, the president may be forced to declare just whose side he’s on.

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Japan’s Jul steel export rises

Tokyo — Japan’s steel exports rose 2.3% year on year to 3.03 million mt in July, but were down 3.6% from June, according to data released by the Japan Iron & Steel Federation Friday.

A JISF official said Monday that total steel exports increased, but the level is still not high. He understands that overall export is still slow for mills to prioritize over domestic supply.

“HRC [hot rolled coil] as Japan’s key item of export, is still below 1 million mt. We can say Japanese mills are still limiting their export, but rise in plate export has pushed overall export to rise,” he said.

Last year, plate export was low due to the outage at Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corp’s Oita plate mill due to a fire in early 2017, the official added.

Japan’s plate exports in July stood at 229,354 mt, up 76.8% on the year, but down 2.8% from June, the data showed.

By country, Japan’s steel export to Thailand reached 513,788 mt, up 15.3% year on year, and up by 3.1% from June, while those to China increased by 8.2% on the year, but down 5.9% on month to 444,734 mt.

Steel exports to South Korea slipped 1.1% year on year, and decreased 8.7% from June to 412,439 mt.

Japanese integrated mills are lifting their exports to Thailand as the Thai economy is growing, keeping downstream plants or Japanese transplants of manufactures busy, the JISF official said.

Among the overall steel products exported to Thailand, HRC exports rose 23.9% year on year and 22.2% to 170,087 mt, while semi-finished exports rose 237.7% year on year, but down 8.9% to 6,897 mt.


  • Author:Yoko Manabe 
  • Editor:Norazlina Jumaat 
  • Commodity:Metals
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Kobe Steel plant loses last quality badge

TOKYO (Reuters) – The Japan Kobe Steel (5406.T) plant at the center of a data-falsification scandal that has shaken supply chains around the world has been stripped of all its industrial quality certifications, the Japanese government said on Wednesday.

Japan KobeFILE PHOTO: Kobe Steel’s logo is seen through a fence at a facility of Kakogawa Works in Kakogawa, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan, November 13, 2017. REUTERS/Kim Kyung-Hoon/File Photo

In another blow to the embattled steelmaker, the government-sanctioned seal on insulated copper tubing from Kobe’s Hatano plant, one of its main copper product plants, was revoked after an investigation by a certification firm into its quality controls, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry said in a statement.

The plant southwest of Tokyo has also lost its ISO 9001 quality certification from the International Standards Organization (ISO), Japan Quality Assurance Organization said.

Earlier, the plant was stripped of its Japan Industrial Standards (JIS) seal for seamless copper pipe products used for air conditioning and refrigerators, as part of the fallout of one of Japan’s biggest industrial scandals.

Having the quality seals revoked means the company can no longer sell the products with the JIS label, potentially restricting the number of customers that want to buy them and reducing its sales.

“We aim to regain the JIS certification and recover trust from our customers as soon as possible by implementing measures to prevent future misconduct,” Kobe Steel said in a statement.

JIS-certified products account for about 40 percent of Hatano’s sales by weight, Kobe Steel said. Copper products made up about 7 percent of the company’s total sales in the year to March 2017.

Some customers have agreed to keep buying products made at Kobe’s Hatano plant without the JIS label after it was first stripped of its JIS certification, a Kobe Steel spokesman said.

But the plant may be forced to stop shipping some products if the ISO 9001 certification was among the conditions set out in contracts with customers, the spokesman said.

Japan Kobe

FILE PHOTO: The logo of Kobe Steel (Kobelco) is seen at the company headquarters in Kobe, western Japan October 24, 2017. REUTERS/Thomas White/File Photo


“There will be some impact on our business as we have lost credibility in our quality assurance system, but it is not clear how much impact we will face,” he said.

Industry experts said customers may switch suppliers or pick Kobe’s competitors for future orders although the short-term impact may be reduced by the limited availability of substitute products.

Three other Kobe Steel copper and aluminum plants involved in the data cheating had their ISO 9001 quality certifications suspended earlier this month for up to six months, according to Kobe Steel.

Japan’s third-largest steelmaker, which supplies producers of cars, planes, trains and other products across the world, said last month that about 500 of its customers had received products with falsified specifications.

Japanese manufacturing prowess has taken a hit in recent weeks due to the Kobe Steel scandal and news of improper final domestic inspection procedures at Nissan Motor (7201.T).

Nissan said earlier on Wednesday it had been informed that the ISO 9001 certification of its plants and those of affiliate Nissan Shatai (7222.T) had been revoked for production of Japan-bound vehicles.

Kobe Steel has an extensive role in global supply chains.

It produces engine valve springs found in half the world’s cars, according to its website.

Kobe shares have plunged nearly a quarter since news of the data tampering in early October. They fell 4 percent on Wednesday, versus a 1.6 percent drop in the Nikkei 225 .225.

Reporting by Yuka Obayashi; Writing by Aaron Sheldrick; Editing by Chang-Ran Kim, Himani Sarkar and Hugh Lawson

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The Indian government uses a joint venture between public utility land and private enterprises to build a steel plant

According to the Hindu newspaper reported on May 5, the Indian government plans to use the public utility surplus land and private enterprises to establish a joint venture to achieve 2030 steel production doubled to 300 million tons of the target. At present, India steel production capacity of 126 million tons. On Wednesday the Cabinet passed a new steel policy, is also plans to increase investment by 10 trillion rupees in order to achieve the goal of 300 million tons of steel production capacity. Indian Minister Iron and Steel Minister Chaudhary Birender Singh said in an interview that in order to achieve the goal, we must immediately put into action. India’s Steel Administration (SAIL) and ArcelorMittal (ArcelorMittal) joint venture to create a car steel plant plans will be settled this month.

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Two USA mills raised special bar base prices

Recently, Gail Road long North America and Nucor companies have announced a special bar base price, in the range of 30-50 US dollars / short ton.

Gail Road raised carbon and alloy bar price 40 US dollars / short ton, Nucor raised 3 inches below hot rolled special bar price 30 US dollars / short ton, 3-11 inch hot rolled special bar price 40 US dollars / short ton , 3-inch hot-rolled and heat-treated bar prices $ 40 / short ton, greater than 3 inches hot rolled and heat treated special bar price $ 50 / short ton.

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The current information  about China’s stainless steel 

The 10th Shanghai International Stainless Steel Exhibition (STEXPO 2017) will be held in Shanghai from August 30 to September 1, 2017, which is the world’s largest international stainless steel exhibition, held every two years.

the current information  about China’s stainless steel

China’s crude steel production in 2015 21.5122 million tons of crude steel, apparent consumption of 16,284,700 tons, per capita consumption of stainless steel 11.86kg. China has become the world’s largest and most important stainless steel production base and large capacity, the wide area of ​​the stainless steel consumer market. In recent years, China’s stainless steel enterprises, especially a number of private enterprises through technological innovation and technological transformation, continuous improvement of the level of technology and equipment, increasing competitiveness.

China’s stainless steel new product development has made significant progress, super austenite, super ferrite and super duplex stainless steel and other new varieties have come out, corrosion-resistant heat alloy also has a new breakthrough, domestic stainless steel equipment manufacturing, processing, and distribution capabilities and electronics Business has a faster development. China’s stainless steel industry to meet the domestic transport industry, building structure, energy and environmental protection, nuclear power construction, petroleum, and petrochemical industry and furniture, home appliances, and other industries demand is growing.

At present, China’s stainless steel industry is facing new development opportunities and challenges.

With the unprecedented attention to food safety and hygiene, the production of food and beverage utensils and the production of food, transportation, storage, and other related equipment, facilities, stainless steel material unique advantages; stainless steel in China’s medical, pension, sports, and other people’s livelihood and green building Field, also has great market potential. To meet the high-end needs of China’s manufacturing industry, there is still a lot of room for development.

The development of the stainless steel industry in China is also facing a series of major problems such as optimization of variety structure, quality improvement, energy-saving, and emission reduction, concentration improvement, management innovation, expansion of application scope, and promotion of international exchange. It is in this context, the Shanghai International Stainless Steel Exhibition held in the past nine, has been attracting Chinese and foreign stainless steel and related enterprises of widespread concern and active participation, its size has been expanding.

On behalf of the China Iron and Steel Industry Association, the China Council for the Promotion of Metallurgical Industry and the China Steel Association Stainless Steel Branch sincerely invite you to participate in this exhibition, we look forward to meeting you again in Shanghai.

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Import and export bad news to cash the steel rose sharply at night

Dayday disk black finished lower, thread led up, coke, iron ore basically flat, while coking coal fell slightly. By billet prices rose 30 to 2880 yuan/ton Lee support. evening black Gaokaidao go, rebar was close to 3,000 yuan/ton integer off, then a slight correction.

Spot, the steel fell significantly narrowed. Yesterday Shanghai thread offer fell 20 to 3340 yuan/ton, Tianjin thread flat at 3250 yuan/ton. hot volume Shanghai flat in 3010 yuan/ton, Tianjin rose 20 to 2950 yuan/ton. Raw material side, the mining spot down 25 to 545 yuan / wet tons. Coke market and coking coal, the domestic coke, and coking coal are stable on the strong side.

the latest data released by the General Administration of Customs

News, April 13, the latest data released by the General Administration of Customs, March 2017 China’s exports of steel 7.56 million tons. an increase of 1.81 million tons last month, down 2.42 million tons over the same period last year. down 24.25%. January-March China’s total exports of 20.73 million tons of steel, down 25%.

China’s imports of iron ore and its concentrate 95.56 million tons in March, an increase of 12.07 million tons last month. an increase of 11.4%, a record monthly imports of a new high. 1-3 months China’s total imports of iron ore and its concentrate 270.88 million tons. an increase of 12.2%. China’s imports of coal in March 22.09 million tons, up 24.9%, an increase of 12.2%. From January to March, China imported 64.71 million tons of coal, up by 33.5% year on year.

The operation, the overall rebound in commodity markets on Thursday.the largest decline in the previous volume of the largest volume of a hot rebound in the short term due to a sharp decline in the digestion of bad the rebound is more reasonable.and heat volume production profits began to bear the loss of raw material prices, Coke rebound the smallest. For steel, coal in May contract, futures premiums can be maintained in the background of thinking more operations.

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Free port, the world’s second largest copper mine which has export recovery

According to a senior Indonesian officials said the Indonesian government and freeport-mcmoran of negotiations between short-term preliminary agreement, Indonesia will allow freeport recovery operation and export, time limit for six months, during this period, the two sides will free port of mining for consultations.
Source: Shanghai non-ferrous nets

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ASTM steel in the News-ASTM copper standards adapt to new era

NEW YORK — ASTM International’s technical standards for copper and copper alloys are currently
shifting to incorporate more international and performance-based criteria, the head of the group’s copper
committee said.
“It’s an interesting time for us,” ASTM Committee B05 on Copper and Copper Alloys chairman Charles
B. Blanton told AMM. “We’re going through a transition.”
The copper committee has seen increased interest from “quite a few” European companies, according
to Blanton, who is also corporate director of environmental health and safety at Memphis, Tenn.-based
Mueller Industries Inc. Blanton was named chair of the B05 committee last month (, April 19).
“ASTM has made a push to get more international involvement,” he explained. “We have four or five
Europeans that are very active and participate physically in our committee meetings.”
To address the needs of an increasingly global and modern industry, the copper committee is beginning
to integrate European alloys into some of ASTM’s standards.
“That’s new for us,” Blanton said. “Typically we’ve used the U.S. standards, but now we’re seeing some
of the (European Norms) numbers come in.”
The reason behind the rising European presence at ASTM is not so much copper or copper alloys
manufacturers but rather their end-users. A kitchen faucet maker with a growing global footprint, for
example, would be a typical end-user in need of standards that cross continental borders.
“It’s a function of the global economy,” Blanton said. “We’re becoming a smaller world.”
A copper alloy manufacturer can now tweak an alloy’s chemistry and more easily meet the
specifications of both European and U.S. requirements to provide end-users with raw material from the
same cast. So, if a European requirement for a particular alloy requires 59 percent to 63 percent copper,
and the U.S. equivalent requires 57 percent to 61 percent copper, then a manufacturer could hit a
“sweet spot.”
Previously, a copper alloy manufacturer could hit that sweet spot, but “we’re making it a little bit easier,”
Blanton said. “We’ve got the ASTM standard, and now you could use a European alloy rather than
having to get the (European Norms) standard.”
Meanwhile, another trend in the copper standards realm is the growing need for performance-based
criteria, particularly in the refrigeration industry. “We are in the very initial stages of going to
performance-based standards,” Blanton said.
Traditionally, ASTM standards would dictate a specific wall thickness acceptable for a certain application
of copper tube, for instance. Now ASTM is starting to develop requirements in terms of the pressure—or
pounds per square inch that a tube can withstand—rather than its wall size per se.
This is especially true for refrigeration, Blanton noted. Indeed, rising demand for “green” refrigerants is
placing increased pressure on copper tubing requirements, according to Luvata U.K. Ltd. (,
Dec. 31)

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