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42crmo4 applies in the Gear making

42crmo4 steel is the key product of Otai company, it is popular among our customer. I wound like to talk about 42crmo4 steel applies in the Gear making.


42crmo4 steel is the key product of Otai company, it is popular among our customer. It can be used in different industry. I wound like to talk about 42crmo4 steel applies in the Gear making.

Key performance requirements for high quality gear

High quality gear steel is mainly shown in three aspects: narrow end quenching zone, high purity and fine and uniform grain.

(1) end quench band

The stability of the hardenability of the end has a great influence on the quantity of heat treatment deformation of gear steel.

(2) purity

Purity mainly refers to the decrease of oxygen content and other harmful elements. The influence of oxygen content on the fatigue life of gears has been paid more and more attention. In order to improve the purity and reduce harmful inclusions, the content of Ti in gear steel should be limited, It is the source of fatigue crack.

(3) grain size

Grain size is another important index of gear steel, because coarse grain makes the concentration of penetration layer relative increase, resulting in the increase of brittleness, make the product strength decline, the tooth surface easy to peel off. If mixed crystals appear, the heat treatment deformation between the aging teeth may lose its rules and cannot be matched. In the aspect of structure control technology of gear steel, fine austenite grain is important to the stability of steel and its products, and is the basic property of high quality steel.

why is the 42crmo4 steel applies in the Gear making.

42CrMo4 steel material is a high quality Quenched and Tempered Alloy Structural steel . It belongs to the high quality medium carbon alloy steel, Oil Quenched & Tempered Hardenss is 28-34 HRC .  Annealing delivery hardenss less than 250HB . This materials was the best choose for produce gears .It has high creep strength and durable strength at high temperature. Its hardenability is high, it has good toughness, the possibility of  quenching deformation is  small.

Mr Jack Tan

Tel: 0086-769-23190193

Fax: 0086-769-88705839


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What is the difference between OT718 mold steel and P20 mold

P20 mold and OT718 can be distinguished by the following formula: P20 + 1% Ni = OT718.

P20 mold

P20 mold and OT718 mold steel are universal pre-hardened mold steels, which are usually used for large and extra large plastic molds. OT718 die steel is equivalent to domestic steel number 3Cr2NiMo. P20 die steel is equivalent to 3Cr2Mo.Compared with P20 mold, OT718 die steel adds a small amount of Ni element. From P20 400mm maximum size to 1000mm maximum size, greatly improved Hardenability.

The hardness of P20 mold is 4HRC lower than that of OT718 mold steel.
OT718 has better polishing performance and can be used to manufacture plastic molds with polishing requirements. P20 mold steel can usually be used for plastic molds or plastic molds that are not required.
There are also improved P20 die steels, one is to add Ni to improve the uniformity and corrosion resistance. And the other is to add S to improve the workability  and make it more suitable for mass production. As the most commonly used plastic mold steel in China, the domestic technology is already very mature.And most steel mills have produced high-quality products. As long as the purity of the mold steel reaches the standard, and the domestic production is also very easy to use.

1.2738 is a commonly used German standard plastic mold steel, usually referred to as 738 for short. This steel is more popularly called OT718. It is generally tempered and pre-hardened to HRC28 ~ 36. After being processed into a mold, it is used directly without heat treatment.
OT718 Performance characteristics.
①Excellent polishing and photo-etching performance.
②Good machining performance.
③High purity and uniformity.
④ Uniform hardness.
⑤ Subsequent nitriding treatment or local flame quenching can be carried out to improve surface strength and surface wear resistance, and reduce surface failure.

Compared with the traditional plastic mold steel P20, 1% nickel is added to OT718,  has better toughness and hardenability. And it is more excellent in large cross-sectional molds. This steel type is suitable for large-scale plastics, especially those with thickness greater than 400mm.

Recently, the mould steel  request are increasing for fulfilling the mould tools on the different machines used on the anti-coronavirus.For supporting the work , our company make the special offer on the P20 steel plate during these days. It is the very good time to seize the rare chance to purchase this mold steel if you have any purchasing plan recently.

Tel: 0086-769-23190193

Fax: 0086-769-88705839


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Europe Steel situation effected by COVID-19 with price ,trading issue…

Europe Steel situation effected by COVID-19 with price ,trading issue…

plastic mold steel

The long-term producer Steel Plant (BMZ) has reduced processing capacity in the next round and wire orders of European and auto and auto parts manufacturers. This may reduce production this year by 300,000-350,000 metric tons, and encourages BMZ to carry out a three to a four-month renovation of the soot processing device that was originally scheduled to collect exhaust gas from the second electric arc furnace in 2021. The plan will be in 2020 The fourth quarter of the year, according to sources close to the company.

Price and trading volume

Steel prices are facing downward pressure due to the temporary shutdown of automobile manufacturers in most parts of Europe and the reduction in trade activity in the construction and other steel industries, which has led to the interruption of trade flows. Despite Europe ’s import protection measures, some key steel prices have reached a three-year low in 2019. At that time, the European market was oversupplied. Despite the import protection plan, imports to the EU remained at historical highs, and prices are now even Close to 2009 levels.

The Nordic HR coil ex-works price (Ruhr) started in January 2020 at a price of Eue435 ($ 469.80) / mt, even lower than Eur450 / mt in January 2009, and has risen to Eur474 / mt since the beginning of March 2020 . The impact of production cuts.

S & P Global Platts Energy Information research shows that imports are picking up, and Asia is actively providing imports to Europe. International prices are under pressure, but due to long delivery times and current trade and logistics uncertainties, many buyers have not considered imports. Nordic steel mills hope to provide hot-rolled coil CFR (North Africa) at a lower price because they seek to unload outside the EU to maintain domestic market prices.

Source Xiaomi Finance is integrated from Xinhua Net, Economic Observation Net, Overseas Steel, Tyco Steel, etc.

WhatsApp: +86-769-23190193

Tel: +86-769-23190193

Fax: +86-769-88705839


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Regarding analysis about the steel due to COVID-19

Regarding analysis about the steel due to COVID-19

plastic mold steel


Regarding analysis about the steel due to COVID-19 Ukraine

In the last week of March, ArcelorMittalKryviy Rih worked in Ukraine, temporarily suspending the No. 1 blooming mill and the No. 3 light rolling mill at one of its two flowering plants. The facility will remain idle until the quarantine caused by a coronavirus in Ukraine on April 24. The plant will continue to operate mills 1 and 5, while mill 5 will maintain half of its capacity. The company said that in April and May, the output of its main products (long products, billet and pig iron) will be 20% lower than normal.Given that last year, the plant’s average monthly saleable output was 390,000-393,000 tons, and the monthly output from April to May may fall by 80,000 tons to 310,000-313,000 tons/month.

Metinvest, a Ukrainian mining and steel group, said this week that if the operations of its Italian plant will not return to normal soon, it will have to cut output from its Ukrainian steel plant. Since March 24, due to the coronavirus pandemic, its business has decreased significantly.  The production of utility steel from Italian medium and heavy plate coil producers Ferriera Valsider and Trametal, owned by Metinvest, has decreased by 40,000 metric tons.

The steel mill is scheduled to restart on April 3, but if the Italian government resumes quarantine, Metinvest will also be forced to reduce the output of its Ukrainian steel mills, mainly in Azovstal, which supplies slabs to Italian steel mills. If the situation continues, Metinvest does not rule out the temporary suspension of Azovstal’s slab continuous casting. The company may also consider blowing down No. 3 blast furnace in Azovstal and postponing the restart of the refurbished No. 4 blast furnace until May (expected to begin in April).

Although the two-week quarantine work began on March 30 in the Karaganda region where it is located, the Temirtau steel plant in Kazakhstan is still operating normally. “The company is in steel production, coal and iron ore mining as well as continuing to fulfill its obligations to customers.”

WhatsApp: +86-769-23190193

Tel: +86-769-23190193

Fax: +86-769-88705839


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Europe countries ‘ situation effected by COVID-19 Part two

Europe countries ‘ situation effected by COVID-19 Part two

plastic mold steel

Since April 7th, ArcelorMittal has begun preparations for the temporary closure of blast furnace A at its Gijon plant in Asturias. The plant has two blast furnaces with a total annual output of 4.2 million tons of crude steel. According to S & P Global Platts Energy Information, the annual crude steel production capacity of furnace A is about 2.7 million tons per year.

On the morning of March 31, Basque (Sestao) temporarily shut down the electric arc furnace to balance supply and demand. Sestao’s crude steel design capacity is about 1.4 million tons/year, but since September last year, the annual output has been 300,000 tons/year for the automotive industry.

Last week AM stopped production of its 250,000-ton / year steel rolling mill in Lesaka, which produces organic coated coils for the automotive sector. It also closed its Sagunto rolling mill, and its annual production capacity of galvanized products is about 600,000 tons, accounting for 70% of the automotive industry.

AM’s Olaberria-Bergara production line for the automotive and construction industries is running.

the other europe countries’ situation analysis effected by COVID-19

United Kingdom

Steel producers are still working, but due to restrictions imposed by the government, production has been adjusted to reduce demand. The total output is usually 7.3 million tons/year. Major producers Tata Steel (Talbert Port has a production capacity of 3.5 million tons/year), British Steel (2.5 million tons/year) and Free Group reported that production in product areas related to the automotive industry has been reduced.

Tata Steel said: “We will continue to operate all four blast furnaces at our two steelmaking centers-IJmuiden in the Netherlands and Port Talbot in Wales. However, due to the sudden drop in steel production, liquid Steel production will decrease. Demand. ”

British Steel continues to operate two blast furnaces with an annual output of approximately 2.5 million tons.

Freedom Group continues to produce approximately 1.2 million shares of crude steel through two furnaces in Rotherham, England. Once the customer’s plan is completed and the plant and equipment are shut down, Liberty will only suspend operations at Liberty Pressing Solutions, Liberty TubeComponents and Liberty Aluminium Technologies related to the automotive industry, and restart effectively when needed.

Belgium: Liberty Liege-Dudelange closed the three production bases of Flemalle, Tiller, and Dudelange on March 21, and stated that it will continue to deliver finished products to customers.

Austria: Voestalpine, which has an annual capacity of 5 million tons, has idled a blast furnace in Linz and announced short-term work.

Poland: In view of the current market uncertainty, Poland ArcelorMittal Poland has postponed the restart of its Krakow blast furnace (expected to resume production in the second half of March).

WhatsApp: +86-769-23190193

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Fax: +86-769-88705839


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Europe countries ‘ situation effected by COVID-19 Part one

Europe countries ‘ situation effected by COVID-19 Part one

1.2738 platic mold steel


Germany is the largest steel-making country in the European Union, producing 39.7 million tons of crude steel in 2019. With the closure of the country’s automotive industry, several steel mills announced a reduction in production capacity.

The ArcelorMittal Bremen plant has a production capacity of 3.6 million tons and one of the two blast furnaces has been idle. The work of Bottrop and Eisenhuettenstadt reduced working hours.

Thyssenkrupp, Germany’s largest steel producer, will enter short-term production and cut production.

Salzgitter reduced flat steel output. Saarstahl and Dillinger have a pig iron production capacity of 4.6 million tons per year. Due to the high idling cost and the need for more maintenance work, their crude steel output is kept at the lowest technically possible productivity. Salstar ’s 500,000 t / y long steel mill capacity is 50%. Cold rolling mills are reducing production due to insufficient supply due to the shutdown of steel and automobile factories.


Italy is the second largest producer in the European Union. In 2019, crude steel production was 23 million tons per year. Except for the factories of Taranto and Arvedi of Angelor Mittal, all The steel mills have shut down their operations in accordance with government regulations against COVID-19.

Italy ’s largest flat steel producer Taranto has closed its 2 million ton / year blast furnace No. 2 and No. 1 smelting plant, but has obtained permission to keep No. 1 and No. 4 blast furnaces operating. Continuous cycle production capacity, so it is produced at a historically low level of approximately 8,500 metric tons per year.

Arvedi, a Lombardy electric arc furnace (EAF) steel producer with an annual capacity of 4 million tons per year, has also been allowed to continue production, but only at a reduced speed during the weekend.


ArcelorMittal has stopped the production of two blast furnaces, one of which is located in Foss-sur-Mer, and the other is located in Dunkirk, with about 4 million tons of crude steel rolled off the line every year.

The Beltrame Group, Europe’s largest commercial steel bar producer, closed its French business Lamines Marchands Europes (LME) in Trith Saint Leger in northern France, with an annual capacity of 850,000 tons of electric furnaces and two steel mills until the end of March. It is understood that the closure is under review.


The Spanish Steel Industry Association UNESID is seeking clarification from the Ministry of Industry on what is an important industry. Fighting the coronavirus in tougher measures will only allow “strategically important departments” to continue to operate. During the measures taken, many consumer factories (such as car manufacturers) have been closed.

WhatsApp: +86-769-23190193

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Fax: +86-769-88705839


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Europe Steel Industrial have effected by COVID-19

Europe Steel Industrial have effected by COVID-19

1.2738 platic mold steel

European industries  affected by the pandemic

The European steel industry was severely hit by the coronavirus pandemic. Experts report that the automotive industry is the second largest consumer industry for steel, temporarily closed. while the construction industry (the most consumed industry) slowed sharply in the UK in the last week of March. It can be expected that the current crisis (still intensifying) will have the same impact on the steel industry as the global financial crisis, or even greater. According to data from the World Steel Association (world steel), the financial crisis led to the EU ’s crude steel production in 2009 A year-on-year decline of nearly 30% to 139 million tons.

European steel price affected by the pandemic, the demand and capacity are reduced.

Jefferies International analysts Simon Thackray and Abraham Akra said this week: “The dislocation of COVID-19 steel demand should bring capacity utilization back to [Global Financial Crisis] levels and Steel production will be significantly affected. “During the COVID-19 pandemic, auto factories have been closed. We expect construction activities to slow down accordingly. Some governments are now exempt from lock-in operations. The mid-term demand blow from the pandemic will lead to unemployment. The rate is rising and it is expected that it will take several months to restore the locked state. ”

According to the International Iron and Steel Association, 28 countries/regions in the EU produced 159.4 million tons of crude steel in 2019. Sources from well-positioned steel makers say the current crisis may shut down the steelmaking capacity of major EU mills by as much as 50%. Agent SP Angel estimated on Friday that the European blast furnace with an annual capacity of 19 million tons has been closed and the capacity of other blast furnaces is decreasing. Other furnace shutdowns will occur in the next few days. Brazilian miner Vale said mid-week that European iron ore demand had been cut by 18 million tons.

WhatsApp: +86-769-23190193

Tel: +86-769-23190193

Fax: +86-769-88705839


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Global Steel Industrial have effected by COVID-19 – Preview

Global Steel Industrial have effected by COVID-19 – Preview

1.2738 platic mold steel

The global crisis, a large number of steel mills shut down! 40% of domestic steel mills lost money, and European steel prices fell back to 2009

In January-February, China Steel Association’s steel companies have lost more than 40% of their losses

Now member steel companies are basically on the brink of loss

The spread of the epidemic has exceeded all expectations, and the situation facing the steel industry and the market is confusing.

Chi Jingdong, vice chairman of the China Iron and Steel Association, said: “No one expected that it would be as serious as it is now. The whole world has reached a situation that is a little bit out of control. The new and old problems of the Chinese steel industry are superimposed and under the impact of the epidemic, Where will it go again? ”

Two months ago, the Chinese steel companies at that time were in an awkward position: the raw materials were difficult to enter, the materials were difficult to come out, and the inventory was rising … A person in charge of a large state-owned steel company told the Economic Observer, “The first quarter It ’s good to lose money. ”

the expertise’s prediction about the steel market

However, Chi Jingdong introduced, “The loss of member steel companies in January-February has exceeded 40%. Now the profit margin of member steel companies has fallen to almost 1%, which is basically at the edge of loss.”

His prediction for the future steel market is: In the short term, April steel prices will fluctuate within a narrow range with high probability. It is not always possible that profits will drop sharply, but good benefits are also difficult. If the foreign market is not good after April and May, at least the steel price in the first half of the year will be unsatisfactory. If the epidemic is delayed until June or July, the impact will be greater.

Chi Jingdong believes that this year the steel industry and the market are at great risk, and it is recommended that steel enterprises should be prepared to deal with the market decline.

In this steel test, the difficulties, problems and even deep-seated contradictions of the entire industry and enterprises themselves were exposed.

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Tel: +86-769-23190193

Fax: +86-769-88705839


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Classification of AISI 440 steel

Maybe we hear a lot about AISI 440 steel. Do you know that it can be divided into three types? It contains 440A,440B,and 440C.

Classification of AISI 440 steel

Maybe we hear a lot about AISI 440 steel. It contains 440A,440B,and 440C. 440C is commonly used as making a knife. Otai special steel company provides 440 steel for our clients.

440C stainless steel is modern steel, known among all stainless steel alloys for its high corrosion resistance, abrasion resistance. It has good strength and hardness qualities, after heat treatment up to HRC60 hardness.

Application of AISI 440 steel

This steel can be used to make cutting tools, rolling bearings, valve seats, high-quality cutting tools. It is also used as surgical instruments, chisels, ball bearings . cutting tools such as barber blades, surgical blades, daggers, and blades are also made with 440 steel.

The grade of 440C is exactly the same as that of 440A and 440B.But it has a slightly higher carbon content. Although these three kinds of steel are the same grade of standard steel, in fact, 440C is more practical than A and B.

The 440C was the undisputed king of blade steel around the 1980s, a position that was not replaced by ats-34 until the 1990s. Even a novice blade maker can make a good blade with 440C if he can handle heat treatment and surface treatment well. And when well maintained, the blade of this material is excellent and durable.

Please note that 440A and 440B are alloy steels very similar to 440C and are often confused.But they are not suitable for the blade. The 440C is probably more suitable than any other alloy stainless steel for the cutting tool industry .and it is capable of a wide range of sizes and USES.

And now 440 steel families, there is a new type of modern steel known as 440V. Basically, this is an improvement of 440C steel. The steel has a similar hardness to the 440C. but it has greater corrosion resistance and machining capability.

Mr Jack Tan

Tel: 0086-769-23190193

Fax: 0086-769-88705839


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Tempered steel vs non-tempered steel (5)

Application of tempering steel


Medium carbon tempering steel:

on behalf of the steel C30.C35.C40.C45.It also have ML30.ML35.ML40. ML45. A more stable room temperature performance, used for small and medium-sized structural parts, fasteners, transmission shaft, gear, etc.

Manganese steel

on behalf of the steel 40Mn2, 50Mn2.Have superheat sensitivity, high temperature tempering brittleness. water quenching easy to crack. hardenability is higher than carbon steel.

Silicon manganese steel

On behalf of the steel 35SiMn, 42SiMn.High fatigue strength. decarburization、 overheating sensitivity&temper brittleness.It is used to manufacture gear, shaft, rotary shaft. connecting rod and worm with medium speed and high load but little impact. It can also manufacture fasteners under 400℃.

Boron steel

On behalf of steel 40B. 45B. 50BA. ML35B.Hardenability is high, comprehensive mechanical properties are higher than carbon steel, and 40Cr is suitable for the manufacture of small section size of parts, fasteners, etc.

Manganese boron steel

On behalf of the steel 40MnB.Hardenability slightly higher than 40Cr. high strength, toughness and low temperature impact toughness, temper brittleness.40MnB is often used to replace 40Cr,it make large-section parts and 40CrNi to make small parts.45MnB replaces 40Cr and 45Cr.45Mn2B replaces 45Cr ,parts of 40CrNi and 45CrNi as important shafts, and ML35 MnB is also used for fastener production.

Manganese vanadium boron steel

On behalf of the steel 20 MnVB, 40MnVB.

Tempering performance and hardenability is better than 40Cr.overheating tendency is small, there is temper brittleness.It is often used to replace 40Cr.45Cr.38CrSi. 42CrMo4 and 40CrNi in the manufacture of important tempering parts.

Manganese tungsten boron steel

On behalf of the steel 40MnWB.Good low temperature impact performance, no tempering brittleness.Similar to 35CrMo and 40CrNi, it is used to manufacture parts under 70mm.

Silicon, manganese, molybdenum and tungsten steel:

on behalf of the steel type 35SiMn2MoW.

It has high hardenability. Calculated by 50% martensite, the water quenching diameter is 180, and the oil quenching diameter is 100.The tendency of quenching cracking ,and the tempering brittleness are small.High strength and high toughness.It can replace 35CrNiMoA, 4340, used to manufacture large section, heavy load shaft, connecting rod and bolt.

Silicon manganese molybdenum tungsten vanadium steel

On behalf of the steel type 37SiMn2MoWVA.Water quenching diameter 100, oil quenching diameter 70.Good tempering stability, low temperature impact toughness, high temperature strength, low tempering brittleness, used for manufacturing large section of shaft parts.

Chrome steel

Represented by 40Cr and ML40Cr.Good hardenability, water quenching 28-60mm, oil quenching 15-40mm.High comprehensive mechanical properties, good low temperature impact toughness, low notch sensitivity, temper brittleness.Used for manufacturing shaft, connecting rod, gear and bolt.


To be continued

Ms Sharon Wan

Mobile/WhatsApp: 0086-13580960968

Tel: 0086-769-23190193

Fax: 0086-769-88705839


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