On May 1, 2017, the Canadian Border Service (CBSA) announced that it had initiated anti-dumping investigations on rebar steel originating from or imported from China, South Korea, and Turkey while investigating rebar steel originating from or imported from China Start countervailing and re-investigation. This case deals with products under the Canadian Customs Code 7213.10.00.00, 7214.20.00.00, 7215.90.00.90, and 7227.90.00.90.

On June 27, 2014, the Canadian Border Service issued an announcement to submit an application filed on April 24, 2014, by AltaSteelInc., ArcelorMittal LCNA, and Gerdau Longsteel NorthAmerica, and decided to apply to or from China, South Korea and Turkey Investigation on rebooting of rebar steel. The case of dumping and subsidies for the investigation period from January 1, 2013, to March 31, 2014. September 26, 2014, the Canadian border services issued a notice on China, South Korea, and Turkey, the products involved in the double-positive affirmative preliminary ruling. December 10, 2014, the Canadian border services issued a notice on China, South Korea, and Turkey, the products involved in the anti-dumping positive final ruling, while China’s products involved in the countervailing affirmative final ruling.