Recently, Baosteel successfully signed the Liujiang coking wastewater biochemical treatment system upgrade project, marking the Baosteel project coking wastewater business in the group outside the market to obtain zero breakthroughs. Baosteel works in the coking wastewater treatment process of the advanced nature of further recognition by the industry, to expand domestic and foreign other coking wastewater treatment business laid the foundation.

Liuzhou Iron and Steel annual wastewater station emissions can not meet the new standard requirements

With the national iron and steel industry to improve energy-saving emission reduction requirements, the chemical requirements, direct emissions of ammonia nitrogen, total nitrogen emissions, and other limits to improve the standard. Liuzhou Iron and Steel annual output of about 5 million tons of coke, wastewater station emissions can not meet the new standard “coking chemical industry pollutant discharge standards” requirements. At the same time, the current storage station to maintain the pool time is only 8 hours, far can not meet the “coking wastewater treatment engineering technical specifications” stay 16-24 hours of time requirements, upgrading is imminent.

Baosteel Engineering Engineering and Technology Division to obtain the project information, the rapid formation of the marketing team, with solid marketing skills and technical advantages, to overcome the difficulties, the successful signing of the project. The project is to expand the existing biochemical system of coking wastewater treatment station to improve the level of technical and equipment of sewage treatment station, which can meet the requirements of emission targets and improve the impact resistance of the system and increase the stability of the system.

The project transformation mainly includes the pretreatment of wastewater pretreatment, the expansion of steam ammonia pretreatment, the optimization of existing biochemical system functions, the addition of the post-denitrification system, and the expansion of physical and chemical systems. After the completion of the renovation, the final effluent of the wastewater station will meet all the existing emission targets.

Source: Baosteel News Center