As recently, the 4140 flat bar and other bars orders are increasing heavily. And for increasing the speed and capacity on the cutting flat bars, our company added a new big Vertical Sawing machine. The speed and efficiency is double more than the before normal cutting machine.

4140 flat bar

And usually, our company will make the stock for our running item 4140 steel plates. When we received the official order , we will arrange to cut it into 4140 flat bar as request. So normally, customers are very happy to have the one stop solution service from us. As we have our own cutting machine, milling, grinding equipments or even the testing. It really makes them without any worry. Our OTAI not only could supply the 4140 flat bar, but also other different steel material like tool steel, high speed steel in flat bars, round bars.

In last chapter, we talked about what we learned from the virus, now let’s continue to the next.We are all humans and we are susceptible to making wrong calls, especially with limited data and unlimited stress. The fact of the matter is our science is only as good as the data we have. In the early hours, we simply don’t have good data. Scientists know it, but the public don’t. We expect clarity and simplicity. But it unfortunately is a bridge too far in the land of a new virus. To make matters worse, the impulse to think of the world as a place with simple answers,may get us into rounds of blame games.

People say things like the virus exists because the Chinese eat bats. The spread is because somebody hid the information. That sound right and make you feel vindicated, but they are not real reasons. But there is a peril in buying into these simplistic messages. It stops us finding our own blind spots.If the Chinese are not humble, they would fail to upgrade the early warning system. If the Europeans are too proud, they would not appreciate the merits of a strong union. If the Americans are obsessed with being first, they would be the last to fix the broken public health system.

The blame game does not help at all. It blows things out of proportion.And it skews our understanding without our knowledge. It denies us the chance to be better and wiser. A pandemic like this has happened before, it is happening now and will happen again. And our human response may not be perfect. But we are better every time because we learn.Humans have beaten the small pox and SARS. We have a good chance to beat this one. But it takes time and most importantly it takes all of us to be honest and humble.

And there is only one thing that can make us honest and humble. That is truth backed by data and science. Data says what medicine works, not politicians. Data says where the virus came from, not senators. And scientists say don’t have enough data yet. The real truth has no regard for what you think and who you are. That may make us uncomfortable. But if you are brave enough, you will accept the world as it is, not as you want it to be.

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