1.2311 Price

I was shocked today by the 1.2311 prices.

I heard that our competitor knew we had been abroad to visit customers.so they adjust the 1.2311 prices.

And most of the customers have a demand of 1.2311 plates,It’s understood that most people are concern about 1.2311 prices,cause the 1.2311 quality is similar in the Chinese market. Now, they start a war of 1.2311 price, our company had lost 500 tons order, just because the crazy 1.2311 price, even though our regular customers prefer to buy from them this time, I understand it exactly, nobody doesn’t like high profit.

However, thinking about it? Is it really high profit for your company? Cause once they start the price war,not only a company can get 1.2311 prices in such low, but all of their competitor.

So I made a decision,I also asked my other regular customers to buy from them today, I can not make my regular customers lack the 1.2311 prices competitive,cause if others 1.2311 prices lower than my regular customers, they might also lose some market, now, they all buy from my competitor, the 1.2311 prices in this country will be same.I think this is the best way to stop price war,once price war start, no one will win,someone might said:the customers win,but I don’t think so.

A(company) offers a cost price to C(customers), A(company) fail, cause there no profit at all,the worse is lost,maybe.

B(company) lost orders,cause most C purchase from A, B(company) fail.

C(customers) seems get advantage,in fact,the result  just lower the 1.2311 market price.cause everyone buy in same price.and the worse is they may involve in a new price war for their market.