What’s wrong with steel? Sales season prices are all the way down the biggest decline over 20%

(Spring Finance, “the whole point of financial”) every year in spring and three months of the steel sales season, steel prices are generally rising prices, but recently the reporter found in the market survey, from the end of March, steel prices are All the way down, the biggest decline more than 20%. Faced with the decline in the market, many steel trade helpless Paohuo.

Traders pend the steel mills down the ex-works price

In Shandong, a steel warehouse, the reporter saw the current steel stocks are not many, steel trade to reporters, from mid-March, steel prices all the way down, he did not dare to hoard goods, anxious to sell the hands of steel, Now the stock has been from the beginning of March the highest of more than 15,000 tons down to the end of April more than 3,000 tons.

Shandong steel trading company responsible person Ge Xiaochao: are in the Paohuo, as long as you need to push the goods down the price, the price of each other, the market is like this.

Changes in market prices have also directly affected the ex-factory price of large iron and steel enterprises in China, just last week, China’s steel industry, several major leading companies have announced, cut the ex-factory price in May. Among them, Baosteel, Wuhan Iron and Steel, Anshan Iron and Steel, hot rolling, cold rolling, and other mainstream products down 200 yuan to 500 yuan per ton, river steel, sand steel construction steel per ton down 400-500 yuan.

China Iron and Steel Logistics Commission researcher Qiu Yuecheng: With the sharp decline in market prices, steel trade and downstream users to reduce the enthusiasm of the order, iron and steel enterprises to increase orders pressure, steel prices are not enough confidence, some steel prices by competing for orders, To a certain extent, accelerated the recent decline in steel prices.

Oversupply led to steel prices fell

Steel prices began to rise from the beginning of the year to March, was originally a traditional sales season, it should rise, but why the price will suddenly plummet it?

This is the latest statistics released by the China Iron and Steel Industry Association, in this data, we can see that the first three months of this year, the country’s daily production of crude steel production reached 223.44 million tons, especially worth noting is to enter in March, The daily crude steel production is as high as 232.25 million tons, setting a record high. If this production in accordance with this rhythm, this year’s crude steel production will reach 816 million tons, this figure than last year’s crude steel production even higher.

China Iron and Steel Industry Association Deputy Secretary-General Wang Yingsheng: a few months before the price skyrocketing the actual supply and demand relationship has not fundamentally changed the situation is oversupply situation has not changed, but after the store, our production is fully able to meet our needs So it is now afraid to start dumping goods, it caused the ups and downs of our prices.