US Department of Commerce released data show that in March 2017 US steel imports amounted to 3.081 million tons, an increase of 30.6%, growth of 24.8%, imports since November last year has been maintained year on year growth.

In addition to rebar, hot coil and plate, other varieties of steel are maintained year on year growth, the increase in the top half of finished timber, steel and cold rolled, respectively 75.6%, 89.9% %, And 45.8%, compared with February 2017, only the cold volume chain decreased slightly by 4.8%, other varieties showed a chain growth, rebar, and hot coil rose among the top 50%, while other varieties rose 4.3% -41.2%.

From the main source countries and regions of imports, imports from Asia and India increased significantly from 119% and 181.5% respectively compared with March 2010, while other major countries and regions rose about 7.7% to 47.8% Imports from Japan and China fell by 5.6% and 9.9% respectively. Compared with February 2017, imports from major countries and regions increased by 2.9% to 71%, with an increase of more than 50% in the EU and Turkey, 71% and 51.5% respectively.

In addition, in March 2017 the United States imported 57,000 tons of steel from China, down 9.9% year on year, the chain increased by 4.5%.

The latest statistics show that as of April 25, 2017, April 2017, the US steel import license number of 2.497 million tons, an increase year on year, but the chain fell significantly.

Source: China Steel Price Network