According to the Colombian “Portfolio” reported on April 27, Columbia National Association of Iron and Steel producers branch recently on the future may be imported from China about 4,000 tons of steel strips issued an alarm that these imported steel products on the formation of the national industry Competition, and does not meet the relevant technical standards.

Camila Toro, chairman of the National Association of Iron and Steel Producers, said that Colombia has imported steel from China and Turkey, but has not signed a free trade agreement with these countries, which require tariffs to trigger some of the exporters’ And other countries have signed a free trade agreement with the country without paying tariffs, which is conducive to exporters in accordance with the provisions of the product to identify the classification.

The club said that the situation has led to many consequences

first, from the beginning of the year to the end of February, from China and Turkey illegally imported steel products have led to the government lost 25 billion pesos tax.

second since 2014. Colombia has imported 154,000 Ton of steel for the construction industry, many of which importers (led by China and Turkey) to avoid tariffs deliberately change the steel technical components, resulting in building quality hazards (the branch quoted metallurgy expert Jairo Carrero. said adding steel to the steel will increase its Hardness, but reduce its ductility and plasticity, resulting in buildings can not withstand earthquakes and other disasters).

Third, China and Turkey’s iron and steel industry have a high subsidy support the government to China, for example, the steel industry can be described as government own industry, Market economy standards. These to enjoy the subsidy of steel products into the Columbia market, a serious impact on the brother of the national industry.