Dayday disk black finished lower, thread led up, coke, iron ore basically flat, while coking coal fell slightly. By billet prices rose 30 to 2880 yuan/ton Lee support. evening black Gaokaidao go, rebar was close to 3,000 yuan/ton integer off, then a slight correction.

Spot, the steel fell significantly narrowed. Yesterday Shanghai thread offer fell 20 to 3340 yuan/ton, Tianjin thread flat at 3250 yuan/ton. hot volume Shanghai flat in 3010 yuan/ton, Tianjin rose 20 to 2950 yuan/ton. Raw material side, the mining spot down 25 to 545 yuan / wet tons. Coke market and coking coal, the domestic coke, and coking coal are stable on the strong side.

the latest data released by the General Administration of Customs

News, April 13, the latest data released by the General Administration of Customs, March 2017 China’s exports of steel 7.56 million tons. an increase of 1.81 million tons last month, down 2.42 million tons over the same period last year. down 24.25%. January-March China’s total exports of 20.73 million tons of steel, down 25%.

China’s imports of iron ore and its concentrate 95.56 million tons in March, an increase of 12.07 million tons last month. an increase of 11.4%, a record monthly imports of a new high. 1-3 months China’s total imports of iron ore and its concentrate 270.88 million tons. an increase of 12.2%. China’s imports of coal in March 22.09 million tons, up 24.9%, an increase of 12.2%. From January to March, China imported 64.71 million tons of coal, up by 33.5% year on year.

The operation, the overall rebound in commodity markets on Thursday.the largest decline in the previous volume of the largest volume of a hot rebound in the short term due to a sharp decline in the digestion of bad the rebound is more reasonable.and heat volume production profits began to bear the loss of raw material prices, Coke rebound the smallest. For steel, coal in May contract, futures premiums can be maintained in the background of thinking more operations.