Steel and other excess capacity how to reduce?


“The implementation of industrial strong-based projects, to carry out quality brand promotion action to support enterprises aimed at international benchmarking with the industry to promote technological transformation, and comprehensively improve product technology, process equipment, energy efficiency and environmental protection level more attention to the use of market mechanisms, economic means, Excess, increase policy guidance efforts, improve the enterprise exit mechanism.
– from the “CPC Central Committee on the development of national economic and social development thirteenth five-year plan recommendations”
Chairman of Benxi Iron and Steel Group Chairman Zhang Xiaofang
From the manufacturer to the service provider
March 3, one to the resident, chairman of Benxi Iron and Steel Group Chairman Zhang Xiaofang took out her research report. “The steel industry to the production capacity, slow, and so can not!” She said.
“Iron and steel industry to face the difficult task of production capacity, to take the initiative to adapt to the new economic development, the supply side of the reform.” Zhang Xiaofang said, “through the transformation and upgrading, leading the leading steel products to high value-added supply side. New supply, to meet the new needs to new and effective supply to drive new needs. “In Zhang Xiaofeng view, to promote the iron and steel enterprises and upstream and downstream enterprises to form an alliance to promote the optimization of the entire industry chain adjustment, and thus to achieve an effective solution to excess capacity. At the same time, but also the use of a variety of international cooperation platform and channels to speed up international production capacity to accelerate high-quality production capacity to go out.
“Steel to the production capacity is a long-term structural adjustment, process optimization, the survival of the fittest process.” Zhang Xiaofang said, “This year, Bengang Group will increase the personalized, customized, refined product supply, to achieve by the steel manufacturers to material services Business transformation, to create an international competitive advantage of the green, intelligent steel enterprises, to the world ‘s outstanding enterprises forward.
Shanxi Coal Administration Bureau Director Bu Changsen on behalf of
To be able to use the market mechanism
Coal gold ten years has become the past, it can be said that the entire industry, “devastated”, how to resolve excess capacity, out of the woods?
“Now the coal industry into the winter, the implementation of the supply side of the structural reform, to promote the coal industry to production capacity, is the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, a major decision,” Shanxi Coal Safety Supervision Bureau Bu Changsen representatives think a lot.
Shanxi as a coal-producing province, coal in the province’s economy accounted for high, the impact of large, now more difficult coal enterprises, heavy burden, to the task of production is particularly arduous. Bu Changsen that the possession of a large number of resources for a long time to stop production, coal depletion of resources, high cost of mining, poor quality, low efficiency and low efficiency, long-term losses, insolvent, loss of self-repair capacity and development capacity of coal enterprises, Policy, through the market approach to clean up disposal.
“In the elimination of backward production capacity at the same time, with the advantages of resources and upgrading conditions to enhance the conditions of the coal mining enterprises to encourage them to participate in the coal market through the market mechanism of mergers and acquisitions; some of the reserves of resources, high security, market competitiveness of modern coal mines, Should allow the potential to be fully exploited by replacing nuclear production capacity, “said Bu Changsen.
Hebei Province, Wang Chang, director of the SASAC
Improve the effective supply of products
“The situation is grim, the steel industry needs new reforms.” Faced with the latest industry data and analysis, Hebei Province, Wang Chang, director of the SASAC on behalf of frankly, the steel industry profit margins there has been a significant decline in the need for new development space.
In Wang Chang view, Hebei current economic development, many problems are not cyclical, but structural. Its roots are changing demand, but the supply of products has not changed, quality, service can not keep up, led to the “surplus.” “Therefore, to promote the supply side of the structural reform must start from the production side, from the supply side of the force, a substantial increase in the industry, the effective supply of products, and continuously improve the endogenous power of economic growth.
At present, the province’s state-owned assets are mainly concentrated in the traditional industries, overcapacity industry and industrial chain low-end industries, industrial enterprises new product output rate of only 10%. From 2016 onwards, to the production capacity and disposal of “zombie enterprises” will be the province’s state-owned enterprises to supply side of the structural reform of the top priority. “To production capacity, attitude should be resolute, the way to science, steps to be safe, the risk to control.” Wang Chang said.
China Labor Relations College former party secretary Yan Hui members
Establishment of staff protection fund
March 2, the reporter in the CPPCC National Committee to see the Chinese Academy of Labor, former party secretary Yan Hui members. This year he focused on the focus of the problem, that is, with the work to resolve the excess capacity put on the agenda, the 10 million workers involved in the interests of how to be protected.
“In particular, those years of production and life has been integrated as one, such as iron and steel, coal, mining and other large enterprises, workers tens of thousands of hundreds of thousands of problems, many problems entrenched, the need for government to give the necessary help,” Yan said. To this end, Yan Hui proposed the establishment of “closed bankrupt enterprise workers living security fund.” He believes that the existing unemployment insurance and urban minimum living security system, the relevant enterprises to deal with bankruptcy liquidation, closed exit, merger and reorganization is powerless. Should give these workers more care and help.
Yan Hui also believes that the closure of bankrupt enterprises should be closed into the work of workers and local government work assessment content, the establishment of the corresponding incentive mechanism to provide the policy support, and effectively promote the staff skills training and re-employment placement. (People’s Daily)