Steel Market Prospect 

China Chicken start, steel market price is no very good, the spot market to maintain the weak callback majority, businesses wait and see atmosphere. In such a bleak start, we hope for the steel market in 2017 it?

Environmental protection law by accelerating the layout of steel prices in the future

After six years of legislative road, China’s first environmental tax law by the end of 2016 by the National People’s Congress Standing Committee. January 1, 2018, the country’s sewage enterprises will be no difference in the implementation of environmental tax liability, which has been implemented for nearly 40 years of sewage charges, will eventually withdraw from the stage of history.

From the “fee” to “tax”, environmental supervision will embark on a more standardized, equal road. For high sewage industry, the new tax law will also encourage enterprises to strengthen the layout of environmental protection, thereby accelerating the survival of the fittest. This is referred to as the “fog haze culprit” of the steel industry, the environmental cost of steel production costs accounted for a substantial increase in the proportion, further accelerate the industry survival of the fittest, the impact is particularly evident.

If the Environmental protection law get Strictly enforced. The steel price should have large rise in my position.

Good Bye 2016. Hello 2017!