According to Voice of the economy “CNR Financial Review” reported that domestic production is going abroad are anti-dumping – Nearest steelmakers life difficult. From late April to late May, a number of countries, including the European Union, Chile, United States, Vietnam, Australia, India, Colombia, Canada and Malaysia, to China’s iron and steel product anti-dumping investigations or to make anti-dumping ruling.
To this end, the Ministry of Commerce issued a document for two consecutive days expressed “strong dissatisfaction.” Ministry of Commerce, trade remedy investigations bureau, said the recent US continuously taken for steel products trade remedy measures, which is not prudent behavior, this is an unprecedented for the Chinese iron and steel products launched 337 investigations, with the obvious trade protectionism. Compared to the US, efforts in other countries does not seem so great, but many countries together for China’s steel products of sanctions, but also makes the Chinese iron and steel enterprises bloated.
With the global economic slowdown, the global steel industry showing severe overcapacity, while China’s steel exports accounted for half of the world’s total export volume. Steel price slump caused by the collapse of a large number of worldwide from Australia to plant part of the industrial center of the United Kingdom, and the United States. Many countries have accused China of being heavily subsidized steel sector to the global market a large output of steel at below the cost of production “dumping”, driving down international prices.
From the data, last year China’s steel production has more than 800 million tons, a new record. But last year China’s economic growth and fixed asset investment growth to continue down that domestic steel consumption actually fell slightly, mainly rely on exports, customs statistics show that in 2015 China’s steel exports rose nearly 20%. Now the first four months, China’s steel exports up 7.6 percent to this 36.9 million tons.
Experts said that in practice this is not the United States and Europe fishes Chinese steel products launched dual. The current global economic growth is very weak, the market demand is shrinking very powerful, China’s steel production capacity has a very large scale and industrial clustering effect. In addition, total factor cost of Chinese steel industry is very low, but the US only emphasized China was the place government support, but it does not emphasize our overall costs are much lower than they are.
In addition, China’s steel products now have a price advantage, most notably in terms of cost and scale, rather than in terms of subsidies, so this is only the US side of the story, reflecting the United States and Europe now look at someone else’s fault, but does not looking for their own reasons. China is now the world’s new manufacturing center, China’s steel production capacity is also gathering, costs are generally rising.
In addition, our production scale has reached a certain degree, our own also need to be adjusted, this year’s “Black May” broke many companies fantasy, these enterprises must speed up transformation and upgrading, at the same time, many state-owned enterprises also have to capacity. This means that we must accelerate the merger and reorganization of the industry, before that, we need to place a large number of laid-off workers, reduce surplus staff. In this process, we want to use economic policy to capacity, can not rely on administrative measures, such as improving quality standards, technical standards of products, and gradually promote resource tax, environmental tax reform