US media reported June 1, the recent US trade protection measures against imported steel products to take, although beneficial to the national steel industry, but significantly raise its domestic steel prices, affecting the supply of steel products, against the US manufacturing sector.

“Wall Street Journal” on the front page the day of the Papers say, by the United States to China, Brazil, India, Japan and other countries steel products imposed countervailing and anti-dumping tariffs, the US hot-rolled steel benchmark index rose by more than 60% this year, reaching each tonne to $ 615. US Department of Commerce recently made the decision to levy on some steel products up to about 266 percent tariffs on China will further lift domestic prices of steel products.

The article points out, not only the United States of levying such duties steel manufacturing business costs, but also affect the supply chain stability. In the first quarter, US imports of steel products fell by 29%. Although the United States steel industry production has improved, but was unable to meet domestic market demand, the US steel products average delivery time from 3.6 weeks at the beginning of this year has been extended to the current 6.2 weeks.

The article quoted a US manufacturing company said the data, the US government trade protection measures against steel products, the company increased 4 million to $ 5 million annual cost, if not changed, which is located in Oklahoma a factory They will be forced to close.