Customer Testimonials

I really enjoy it when I receive S235JR stock that’s virtually ready to be cut, powder coated, or finished. This is it, precut with highly accurate dimensions, all cuts are 90° as to the order, no scaling, no rust preventative (except mild oil, grease coating) plastic wrapped, & ready to be cut. Very happy! Thank you John, thanks Otai Special steel. Your service is excellent.

– Steve. Manchester, England. (Purchased: S235JR Steel Flat Bar)

I was pleased with the steel bar, purchased from Otai Special steel. They arrived in 4 weeks and look to be almost identical to the picture.


I was also very impressed with the customer service and overall service. Everything went exactly as planned and I will be buying again for certain.

– Khalid A. Mohtaseb, Jubail, Saudi Arabia (Purchased: 4140 Steel Bright Round Bar)

The metal was as good as I expected, which is a rare thing when buying online. I placed a very large order which made me nervous, but Otai handled everything perfectly and I am very impressed. Previously I felt that online sellers were not trustworthy, but Otai are a different story. Highly recommended and very good value for the money.

– Carl Abeln, Dusseldorf, Germany. (Purchased: 20CrMnTi Steel Round Bars)