4140 steel and 40Cr steel

Composition and Chemical Properties

4140 Steel

  • 4140 steel is a low-alloy steel containing chromium, molybdenum, and manganese.
  • Chemical Composition: C: 0.38-0.43%, Mn: 0.75-1.00%, Cr: 0.80-1.10%, Si: 0.15-0.35%, Mo: 0.15-0.25%
  • It has good hardenability, high tensile strength, and toughness.

40Cr Steel

  • A low-alloy steel with a higher carbon content.
  • Chemical Composition: C: 0.37-0.44%, Mn: 0.50-0.80%, Cr: 0.80-1.10%, Si: 0.17-0.37%
  • It has good hardenability and moderate strength and toughness.

Mechanical Properties Comparison

The mechanical properties of both steels play a crucial role in determining their performance in different applications.

Tensile Strength

  • 4140 Steel: The tensile strength of 4140 steel typically ranges from 850 MPa to 1000 MPa.
  • 40Cr Steel: The tensile strength of 40Cr steel ranges from 1000 MPa to 1300 MPa.

Yield Strength

  • 4140 Steel: The yield strength of 4140 steel is around 650 MPa.
  • 40Cr Steel: The yield strength of 40Cr steel is approximately 800 MPa.


  • 4140 Steel: Around 25%.
  • 40Cr Steel: About 15%.

Impact Toughness

  • 4140 Steel: 4140 steel exhibits good impact toughness, making it suitable for high-strength applications.
  • 40Cr Steel: 40Cr steel has moderate impact toughness, making it suitable for certain structural applications.

Heat Treatment and Hardness

  • 4140 steel can be oil quenched and tempered to achieve a hardness of 28-32 HRC.
  • 40Cr steel can be quenched and tempered to achieve a hardness of 28-35 HRC.

Applications of 4140 Steel

  • 4140 steel is commonly used in the automotive industry for axles, shafts, and gears.
  • It finds applications in the manufacturing of machinery and equipment subjected to high stresses and loads.

Applications of 40Cr Steel

  • Various mechanical parts and components.
  • Manufacturing large-sized and medium-sized important parts in machinery.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Each Steel Type

Advantages of 4140 Steel

  • Excellent strength and toughness.
  • Good wear resistance.
  • Suitable for high-stress applications.

Disadvantages of 4140 Steel

  • Relatively higher cost

Advantages of 40Cr Steel

  • Good hardenability and machinability.
  • Cost-effective.

Disadvantages of 40Cr Steel

  • Lower tensile strength
  • Less suitable for high-stress applications.

Selection Factors for Specific Applications

The selection between 4140 steel and 40Cr steel depends on the specific requirements of the application.

  • Requiring high strength and toughness, 4140 steel is preferred.
  • For cost-effective applications where extreme strength is not a primary concern, 40Cr steel may be a suitable choice.

Real-World Performance and Case Studies

Case Study: 4140 Steel in Automotive Components

  • In an automotive axle application, the use of 4140 steel resulted in increased durability and load-carrying capacity, leading to improved vehicle performance and safety.

Case Study: 40Cr Steel in Machinery Components

  • In a medium-sized machinery component application, the use of 40Cr steel provided cost savings without compromising performance.