8620 steel vs 9310 steel: For the different material comparisons, which one we should choose to use?
8620 steel China suppliers, wholesale, distributors, and stockholder–Dongguan Otai Special Steel Co Ltd. We Otai is a manufacturer and has a large quantity of stock in our warehouse. We supply in Round bar, gauge plate steel, pipe, tube, rod, square, hexagonal, blanks, plate, sheet, precision ground flat bar. Including precision ground bar stock, hollow bar, we provide black surface and black surface alloy steel material.
8620 is the structural steel with the hardenability guaranteed by American standard, and the standard is as follows: ASTM A29/ A29m-2015 (hot forged and cold processed carbon steel and alloy steel bar).
It has high hardenability, no tempering brittleness, good weldability, little tendency to form a cold crack, good machinability, and cold strain plasticity. Generally used in quenching and tempering or carburizing state, used for manufacturing small and medium-sized automobile, tractor engine and gear in the transmission system, oil drilling and metallurgy open mine cone bit teeth and teeth body, manufacturing steam turbine gear whole rotor internal combustion engine connecting rod valve section forgings. At the same time, the surface of 8620 steel after carburizing heat treatment has relatively high hardness, wear-resistance, and contact fatigue strength, while the core retains good toughness and can withstand high impact load. It can be used as automobile bearing, spindle, gear, mechanical parts, and other impact-resistant, wear-resistant workpieces.
9310 Alloy Steel (also known as AISI 9310 steel) is low alloy steel composed primarily of nickel and chromium.
The standard is ASTM A322. It shows high hardenability, high core hardness, and high fatigue strength. It also possesses solid ductility, weldability, and machinability properties. Its Components with large cross-section requiring high toughness and core strength. It Mainly used for such as critical aircraft engine gears, automotive applications, structural components, gears, rods, heat-treatable shafts, high-performance helicopter transmission gears, and other components.
Otai provides the grinding, milling, polishing, turning, drilling, and other machining services as your required tolerances and size.
Otai does not act as a material handler. We possess proprietary technology and continuously iterates. We undertake every order to end and solve customer’s problem without any hesitation on responsibility. We are welcome to your kind inquiry.