Today,a peer who is have similar business as ours,he brought a customer from other city,they mean to check our 42CrMo4 plate


Today,a peer who is have similar business as ours,he brought a customer from other city,for checking our 42CrMo4 plate.

They mean to check our 42CrMo4 plate,This company specializes in helping Guangzhou Automobile Factory equipment maintenance,all of their equipment comes from Japan.Previously, this customer purchased it locally ,while found that the materials did not meet the requirements.

Later, the customer took it to the inspection company and found that it was false.This customer is afraid of being deceived this time,so they drove 200kilometers to check our 42CrMo4 plate.At that time, the customers were very shocked ,when they walked into our warehouse. they saw that there are so many 42CrMo4 plates in our warehouse; and there are two delivery statuses.One is American standard 4140 pre-hardened, and the other is national standard 42CrMo4.

But this customer asked how can we prove that this material is true, we took out our testing equipment spectrometer immediately ,and showed the chemical composition.Because this customer has never seen a spectrometer before. He said that your company has such advanced testing equipment. I highly appreciate the quality of our company.

At last,We talked a lot about the chaos in the market,he told me it’s been cheated easily in steel market,most of the materials he couldn’t find before ,he search it on the Internet.but the result was terrible,as the 42Crmo4 plate he got was fake,that made him spend a lot of unjust money and delay production, fined by customers many times,He said that sometimes he felt particularly helpless,before he left,he said it’s so worth to drive 200 kilometers to come here.he said it’s hard to find a good tool steel company on internet,but this time,he thought he had found a good one,and so suitable for his company,and from now on,any kind of tool steel he need will contact us.and we can purchase for him.

Ms Sharon Wan

Mobile/WhatsApp: 0086-13580960968

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Fax: 0086-769-88705839
